MGS Special Publication #2
Edited By: Ruth Gray
Pages: 374
ISBN: 0-929539-05-02
Original Publication Year: 1988
Every Name Index: 16,285 entries
Non Member Price: $35
Member Price: $25
About The Book:
This is the first book in the “Maine Families in 1790” series, which aims to provide more details to the families listed in Maine’s 1790 census, as well as 2 subsequent generations. This volume introduces the reader to the Maine Families in 1790 project and
Surnames of heads-of-household included in Volume 1 are:
Alden, Allen, Ames, Arras, Avery, Ayer, Bagley, Bailey, Bakeman, Baker, Barks, Barnes, Bartlett, Bennett, Benson, Berry, Bither, Black, Blackstone, Blackwell, Blaisdell, Blunt, Bowden, Bradford, Brainerd, Brewer, Bridgham, Briggs, Brown, Budge, Bunker, Burton, Bussey, Butterfield, Calderwood, Canfield, Card, Chadbourne, Chandler, Chaplin, Chase, Clark, Cleveland, Clewley, Clough, Cloutman, Cobb, Coffin, Colburn, Cole, Cooper, Craig, Crediford, Crooker, Crosby, Currier, Daggett, Darling, Davis, Dawes, Decker, Dennett, Dennison, DePollereski, Dill, Dingley, Dodge, Dole, Dow, Dunham, Dunning, Dunton, Dutton, Dwinel, Dyer, Eayres, Elder, Ellingwood, Ellis, Fales, Fall, Farrington, Fernald, Ferrin, Fickett, Files, Fisher, Fitzgerald, Flint, Fowler, Fowls, Freese, Frost, Frye, Fuller, Garcelon, Garland, Gaubert, Gibbs, Giddings, Giles, Gilpatrick, Gipson, Glidden, Goodwin, Gordon, Goss, Gott, Goud, Gould, Gove, Gray, Greenlaw, Gregory, Griffin, Grindall, Hackett, Haley, Hall, Hamilton, Hanscom, Harlow, Harriman, Harthorn, Hartwell, Hasey, Hayford, Hewes, Hichborn, Higgins, Hill, Hinkley, Hodgkins, Hopkins, Horton, Howard, Howe, Hudson, Hunnewell, Hunt, Hutchins, Ireland, Jack, Jackson, Jones, Jordan, Joy, Joyce, Junin, Keene, Kennison, Kentfield, Kimball, Knight, Knowles, Knowlton, Lane, Larrabee, Laten, Laurence, Leavitt, Leighton, Lemont, Libbey, Linnecon, Longfellow, Look, Lord, Ludden, Mansell, Marr, Marsh, Mayo, McCausland, McDonald, McIntire, McLucas, McMann, McPhetres, Merrill, Mitchell, Moor, Moore, Morse, Moulton, Murch, Myrick, Newcomb, Nickerson, Noyes, Nute, Nutting, Osgood, Oxnerd, Parker, Parkhurst, Pattee, Patterson, Pendleton, Pickard, Pierce, Pinkham, Piper, Purrington, Quimby, Rackliff, Rand, Richards, Richardson, Robinson, Rogers, Rose, Rowe, Rummery, Sawyer, Seavey, Shapleigh, Simpson, Smart, Smith, Snow, Springer, Sproul, Stackpole, Staples, Starling, Stubbs, Swan, Thomas, Tibbetts, Toothaker, Tozier, Tracey, Trefethen, True, Tufts, Tupper, Turner, Vickery, Wall, Wallace, Ward, Wardwell, Ware, Warren, Wasgatt, Waterhouse, Webb, Webster, Weeks, White, Whitmore, Willey, Williams, Willis, Wilson, Wing, Withee, Wood, Woodman, Woods, Yates, Young.